Friday, March 27, 2009

Long time no post

Sorry I havn't posted in a bit. I have been feeling crappy on and off for a couple weeks. Had this nasty dry cough and I couldn't get rid of it. I finally went to the doctor and she said it was my blood pressure medicine. So she changed the meds. After I bought a 90 day supply. Ugh. She gave me some samples of the new one to use and I see her back in a month.
I hate this.
I just want to be healthy, no meds. I know I need to eat right...and I try...but I hate cooking so I eat out a lot and that's not good. I bought a low sodium cookbook. It's behind my knives next to my stove. The recipes looked good. I just havn't tried any of them.
I get bursts of energy and will feel like doing things. But most of the time, I am tired...and beat...mentally and physically.
I just don't know what to do anymore.
I know I need to exercise but after listening to screaming kids, bitching parents, and a doctor who is never satisfied no matter how perfect you are all day, I just want to come home and veg out in front of the lap top and listen to 70's music.
Any words of inspiration would be appreciated.


superdave524 said...

Inspiration? Hmmm. I've been giving myself some pep talks of late. Guess they help a little. I've got a lot of clients that are going to be spending a long time in prison. Some of them are pretty nice folks. Drug addiction and bad choices have put a lot of them in bad spots. But I tell them to stay positive. Each day you draw breath is a gift from God, whether you live in a nice house or in prison. The Apostle Paul, Martin Luther and Martin Luther King all did some of their best work in prison. If they could stay positive, we sure ought to, right? Pick a pretty and safe part of town, and go for a walk in the morning when it's still cool. If that doesn't make you feel better, let me know. I'll figure something out (cookies? Well, sumpin', anyway).

jrtnutt said...

I am at work by 6:30 a.m. most mornings. I can do evenings or late afternoons. I just need to get off my butt. Thanks!

Jersey Girl 46 said...

Jrtnutt: You are not alone!! Even if I can't be there physically for you, I can support you from afar. One thing that motivated me back before Christmas was my iPod. I would hook it up after dinner and do a little 70's disco music dance. I cleaned the house, I folded laundry (which is my least favorite thing to do in life) I would do a little dance-ee thing and soon things started happening for the positive. Plus I did a mean a** huslte if I do say so myself.

I mixed up the music and had a little Bobby Brown, Montel Jordan, Gloria Gaynor, and Whitney Houston. Plus I added some Elton and Billy Joel. I have an odd iPod.

As for the salt and sodium issue, eating out sucks the salt situation out of you. I have started making dinners on Sunday and planning sort of for the week. I have thought of going to Dinner Done where you assemble dinners and have a nice variety.

Think positive you can do this!!!

jrtnutt said...

Thanks Dave and JG44
Yesteray I ate right, I cooked dinner, ate fruit and yogurt for lunch and lifted weights. I am reading were lifting weights can be just as good for women and even better than cardio. It got my heart rate up and I can feel the soreness today so I knew it was working. They were only 5 pound weights for my arms but I have no upper body strength so I have to start light. Thanks for the words of incouragement.

kate said...

These words of wisdom have helped me, too. How nice!

I've tried to find low sodium answers myself and didn't know this book existed. Bonus.

Sorry I've been MIA lately. Dealing with so much nonsense, but I'm back.

And sending you positive thoughts.