Monday, September 1, 2008

Like Mother, like Daughter?

I didn't know much about Sarah Palin when John McCain announced she was his pick for VP. I started reading about her though and couldn't believe what I was reading. She home schools her children, which I see nothing wrong with that, but how does she find the time? She teaches abstinence only as Birth Control, (which I find ironic considering her announcement today). Claims she will overturn Roe vs Wade if she becomes VP. (which she has stated in an interview she has no idea what that job consists of).
The thing that bothered me the most is that at the age of 44 and while holding a very demanding job as governor, she gets pregnant. She doesn't believe in birth control so I guess it was bound to happen. But this child is a special needs child. He has down syndrome. I work for a pediatric dentist and we see most of the special needs children that the other pediatric dentists in the area won't see.

I can tell you, the job of a parent of a special needs child has to be the hardest job out there. You have to give constant attention, 24/7 to this child. It is not too hard when they are infants, but as they get older, it is extremely difficult as they are not only toddlers, but toddlers with special emotional/physical needs.

I thought Governor Palin was being extremely selfish in accepting this VP nomination. Who would raise her son? Her husband? A nanny? As the VP, she would not have very much time to spend with her child/children.

Then today I learn her 17 year old daughter is pregnant. Well...that happens. I am not holding anything against the daughter, she's a normal teenager with normal feelings....but....if Governor Palin knew her daughter was pregnant, why would she accept McCain's offer of VP, knowing her family would be drug through the mud? Why would she put her daughter through that humiliation? Selfishness? I just don't understand it.


superdave524 said...

I just learned a little more about Palin because of your research and post, Tam. Why would she allow herself to be nominated? She's a politician, and many politicians are ego-driven and desire attention and power. Being picked as a possible V.P. has got to be flattering and might lead to more powerful positions than Governor of a lightly populated state.

Your post teaches me more about McCain, too. McCain's camp says they knew about the pregnancy. Presumably they picked her anyway because they wanted to pick up disaffected Hillary supporters. If a lot of the other moms think about this the way you have (and I bet they will), it tells me that McCain doesn't know very much about moms.

jrtnutt said...

McCain choosing Hillary to get women's votes is an insult to all women. Does he actually think that we would accept anything with Boobs that came along? The man makes me sick...God..I could go on for days about all this...but I am trying to get over a 3 day headache and psych myself up to go to the eye I don't want to get too stressed out.LOL

jrtnutt said...

If you can't tell..I loathe the eye doctor.

superdave524 said...

I see (so I don't need to go to the eye doctor).

superdave524 said...

Okay, Tam. Don't get lazy on me...

jrtnutt said...

Sorry Dave, Dad is in the hospital again, last week I worked 11 hour days and now I have started exercising I am spending less time on line. I will think of something to write. Sorry.

superdave524 said...

Actual life trumps virtual life every time. Hope things get better.