Saturday, September 20, 2008


Yahoo featured a story stating some Democrats will vote for McCain because they don't want to vote for Obama because he is black. I just don't get it.

To me, skin is just a covering. I know it's the body's largest organ, yadda yadda yadda....but it really is just a protective covering. No one has any control over what color skin they were born with. Some white people want to be more tan. I myself wouldn't mind having olive colored skin. I would love to look like the Italian girl that I am. But I wasn't blessed with the olive skin. I was given peachies and cream and am happy with that.

I don't understand how someone can vote for someone who goes against most of the principal beliefs they hold because their skin color is white. Barack Obama has the same basic beliefs and principles I have. That is why I will vote for him in November to be our next president. If this man does not win because there are people out there so bigoted, narrow minded, ignorant as to not vote for someone because their skin is brown, then these people deserve everything that has happened in the last 8 years and every negative thing that WILL happen in the next 4 years.

It breaks my heart, physically makes me ill, knowing there are people like this. I married a man of color. He is Spanish. He is college educated, provides a wonderful home and life for me and our son. He is loving and kind.

My father did not and does not like him because his skin is not white like mine and his own. No matter how hard my husband tried to please my father and be respectful to him, he could not get past the fact that his skin is dark. I have come to the conclusion that it is HIS problem and not ours. He lost out on a great relationship with a great son-in-law.

I was raised believing people of different races don't mix and that people of color are "beneath white people". Once I became an adult and could think for myself, I realized what my parents were teaching me was wrong. I refused to raise my son in that manner. My son has had friends of every race, religion and sexual preference.

I trully hope that these people who are saying they won't vote for Obama because he is black, will see the error of their ways and realize that he is the man this country needs. I wish for one day, November 4th 2008, every American was colorblind.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Driving Miss Tam?

My son who is now 18, was a little late getting his driving permit. He just wasn't interested. He said driving is an "awesome" responsibility and at 15, he wasn't ready.

So we waited until he was 16. My husband took him to get his permit. He has had it for 2 years. He just hasn't driven much. It is mostly my fault...a little of Dad's too. When I get home from work I am tired. I settle in and and hate to go out anywhere during the week.

Just about the time he wanted to start driving more, the price of gas skyrocketed. Go figure.

Well I started making him drive when we went out on weekends and if I had to run errands in the evening. He took his driving test on his birthday in July and failed. He said he was driving in the parking lot of the DMV and as he was "very slowly" going over a speed bump, a pregnant woman was up ahead in the distance. He did not come to a complete stop because he was on the speed bump. By the time the lady crossed the parking lot, he was over the speed bump and she was up on the side walk. They failed him for not stopping for a pregnant woman. When he told me I didn't believe him. It sounds like something he would make up as a joke. But ...he was serious. What a crappy thing to happen on your 18th birthday.

So a couple weeks later he went back and took the driving test again....and again...failed. This time worse than before....

My last resort, other than telling my son to just let the non-driving, starving artist hippie come out......I decided on professional driving lessons.

He starts tomorrow at 2 pm. I will keep you all posted. I can't wait to hear this guys opinion of his driving.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Ahhh sleep

Wish I could get some. At least some quality sleep. My son slept til 3:00 pm yesterday and I had to wake him. Today it was 12:30 pm. I toss and turn and take an hour to get to sleep. Or...I obsess over something in my head and I never really get to sleep or if I do it's an hour before the friggin alarm clock goes off.
Lately its a shot I received Friday that has my arm swollen, red and sore that is preventing a decent nights sleep. And now tonight is Sunday, I never sleep good on Sundays, knowing I have to return to work in the morning.

Friday, September 12, 2008

The Boys back in town again

My son is home from UT for the weekend. Nice to have him around again. I miss that guitar squealing.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

OK, Dave wants me to post something. Well lets see....
Last night I came home and wasn't in the house 30 seconds and grabbed a Bacardi wine cooler thingy. I don't usually do that. Must have been a rough day.

Dad was released from the hospital today (supposedly). I have to call and check on him.

We did $4,000 worth of dental work today, pro bono, for a child who's dad serves in the military. Makes me feel good about my job.

I can't wait for the Biden/Palin debate. Joe is going to send Sarah home crying with her tampon string between her legs. ;)
Oh and Dave, I don't think anyone reads this but you and me.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Like Mother, like Daughter?

I didn't know much about Sarah Palin when John McCain announced she was his pick for VP. I started reading about her though and couldn't believe what I was reading. She home schools her children, which I see nothing wrong with that, but how does she find the time? She teaches abstinence only as Birth Control, (which I find ironic considering her announcement today). Claims she will overturn Roe vs Wade if she becomes VP. (which she has stated in an interview she has no idea what that job consists of).
The thing that bothered me the most is that at the age of 44 and while holding a very demanding job as governor, she gets pregnant. She doesn't believe in birth control so I guess it was bound to happen. But this child is a special needs child. He has down syndrome. I work for a pediatric dentist and we see most of the special needs children that the other pediatric dentists in the area won't see.

I can tell you, the job of a parent of a special needs child has to be the hardest job out there. You have to give constant attention, 24/7 to this child. It is not too hard when they are infants, but as they get older, it is extremely difficult as they are not only toddlers, but toddlers with special emotional/physical needs.

I thought Governor Palin was being extremely selfish in accepting this VP nomination. Who would raise her son? Her husband? A nanny? As the VP, she would not have very much time to spend with her child/children.

Then today I learn her 17 year old daughter is pregnant. Well...that happens. I am not holding anything against the daughter, she's a normal teenager with normal feelings....but....if Governor Palin knew her daughter was pregnant, why would she accept McCain's offer of VP, knowing her family would be drug through the mud? Why would she put her daughter through that humiliation? Selfishness? I just don't understand it.