Friday, July 31, 2009

The lost art of writing


superdave524 said...

Indeed. The Lads have never learned cursive writing in school. Never. I bought a couple of two dollar practice books at Walmart and told them to learn it, if only so they would be able to sign their names.

jrtnutt said...

I don't get it. Why would they do away with cursive writing? It's rediculous. I am so glad I didn't grow up with computers.
My son is the same way with signing his name. He just shortened it to his first initial and last name, as did I.
He learned cursive, but has forgotten how to write it due to lack of use.
I wonder if other countries are doing the same thing.

kate said...

My sons' private school has a program that teaches them how to write in print and cursive. The boys don't like it, but they do it.

I gotta admit, seeing those old fashioned & weird Q's makes me wonder. But I'm glad they're learning it.

jrtnutt said...

Kate, I am glad your sons' school gives that program. I just can't imagine not being able to write cursive.