Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Just another day in my life....

My son has been complaining of wrist I took him to an orthopaedist. Diagnosis: Fractured wrist. Three years ago...we had no idea. He just thought it was sprained. Surgery is August 12th. A Bone graft is necessary. And they have to remove scar tissue.
The fun in my life continues.......
I have a bacteria in my stomach that requires me to take 8 pills a day for the next 2 weeks. The pills make a nasty metalic taste in my mouth....
I am up to 17 pills a day including my vitamins and other RX's.
Work is crazy with all the parents wanting to get their kids in before school starts.Its really stressful right now.
When is it going to end?


superdave524 said...

Girl, you have got to schedule yourself some quiet time.

jrtnutt said...

yeah whatever....LOL
Hubby and I are getting away for a weekend this month to hang with some old high school friends....I am looking forward to the break.