Monday, July 13, 2009

Long time no post

Sorry, I went out of town to see my dad. I had posted earlier that he had fallen and was injured.

He is frail and can not feed himself very well. He falls asleep very easily and needs the help of two people to walk. He fell asleep while my sister cut his hair.
His head injury is healing nicely on the outside. The injury to his brain, well....hopefully..... that will get better.

He has trouble swallowing and is on a diet of thickened liquids to prevent him from getting choked. He is also on a soft diet. The speech therapist that helps him with the swallowing said she is upgrading his diet this week to nectar thick liquids and a more solid food diet.
I hope he starts eating more. He only takes tablespoons of food. Not very much.

Not much in the mood to post but wanted to update.


superdave524 said...

Thanks for the update. I'm praying for you and your dad.

jrtnutt said...

Dave, thanks. My dad is doing better. He is able to drink from a straw and drink water now. My sister said he loved the icewater.
Thanks for your prayers, looks like they are working. I have had a stomach flew for 2 days. My stomach feels a little better now but my head is pounding.
Thanks again.

superdave524 said...

You're welcome.