My son skateboards and he likes to watch video's of other skateboarders. I found this piece of footage on It is the most amazing skating I have ever seen. Hope the salad man doesn't mind me borrwing it. I will return it when I am finished. Thanks :)
I don't yet know how to make the video appear in my blog. If someone wishes to educate me I am open to learning. Enjoy the video and try not to move in your seat. Here's the link:
Football, Movies, and Not-so-stupid Questions.
11 years ago
Tam, on my network, at least, to embed a video directly onto a post, you have to be signed on to your youTube account (if you don't have one, then get one. Doesn't cost anything and you don't have to post any videos if you don't want to). Then you find a video you like, point your cursor to the "embed" line to the right of the video (some of them won't let you; they'll say "embedding disabled"), right click "select all", then right click "copy". Navigate back to your post, and right click "paste".
To do a direct link using a word or phrase, highlight and copy the web address (like you did in this post, but paste it in the where I put PASTE HERE), type the following, including the punctuation as you see it, with two changes (if I did it exactly, you would only get the link and you wouldn't see the instructions to the computer): where I type # you should type " . The other change is to type in the actual word you want to use as a link, rather than WORDS
see if that worked. if not? well, maybe someone else can explain it better than I did.
well, shoot, it tried to link anyway, even though I didn't give it anything to which to link. Sorry about that. My internet friend John 'splained it to me. I'll see if I can find his explanation and link you to that, okay?
I did it!!!! So Cool thanks Dave!!!!!...I am excited. I know..its corny...but for me...that's a big deal. Everyone have drink tonight to celebrate!!!!
OK so did anyone watch these crazy dudes? OMG i was on the edge of my seat...weaving back and forth, overing my face...LOL
They were amazing! Thanks for sharing.
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