Thursday, February 11, 2010

Facing your demons.

I've starteding counceling. My second session is tomorrow. The first one was gut wrenching and a sense of release at the same time. Its hard to face your demons. It's the only way though. Keeping them locked away for safe keeping just allows them to continue killing you from the inside.
I honestly am not looking forward to tomorrow's session. It's too painful. It's like knowing you have to have surgery to make yourself well, but you know the surgery is going to hurt like hell.
Give me a pillow to hold when I cough.


jrtnutt said...

It wasn't as bad as I thought. I walked out with a sense of relief.

*Special thanks to "Star" for your help. It's appreciated :)

kate said...

So glad to hear it wasn't as bad...keep going and keep us posted.

jrtnutt said...

Thanks Kate. I ate three meals today. First time in...well...I can't remember.

superdave524 said...

Atta girl!

Lynne said...

I can't remember the last time I ate three meals . . it is usually double that. Trying to get back to three . . .

Star said...

No one said therapy is fun, that is for sure. Talking about painful issues can be...well, painful. I'm glad to see that you followed through. Good luck :)

Unknown said...

nice blog have there :)
we enjoy reading your blog.
keep posting friend.