Sunday, January 17, 2010

My bubble

I have this bubble I go into when I feel stressed. It protects me from the rest of the world out there. I guess I have been in my bubble for a couple months. I make an appearance on a rare occasion. But most of the time, I am still mentally in my bubble, though I could be in a room full of people.

I am having some weight issues. No appetite. I weigh 104 pounds soaking wet. I try to eat but am never hungry.

I'm trying really hard to keep the weight on....but it's difficult when you are a nervous wreck and have no appetite.
Maybe I need a hobby.
Anyhow....for now......back in my bubble I go.


superdave524 said...

Hang in there, Tam. We'll (me and, I've no doubt a bunch of other folks) be praying and thinking about you, and we'll look forward to saying "hey" when you get back home.

jrtnutt said...

Thanks Dave.

kate said...

What's the source of trouble? There's gotta be a solution, right?

jrtnutt said...

Kate, not sure what the "source of trouble" is. I am sure there is a solution, but I am not sure what it is, short of therapy. Know any good female therapists? I need one.

superdave524 said...

Star is a therapist, and she's in Tampa.

jrtnutt said...

Thanks Dave,I checked out her blog and it appears she is not practicing at this time.

superdave524 said...

She's left her old job and will be working, I think, for USF. I'll e-mail you her address, if you want it. My e-mail's in my profile.