Sunday, June 7, 2009


I haven't had much to say lately. Work starts getting busy this week as school has let out and all the kiddies are available to come in for treatment or a cleaning.
(I couldn't get this wiki page to embed. Don't know why. Copy and paste I guess.)

I booked tickets to fly up to my hometown of Penns Grove New Jersey (Home of Bruce Willis, he went to my high school), for a reunion barbecue type get together with some classmates. It's in August. It's going to be so freaking hot. August in Jersey can be as bad as it is in Tampa.

I hired a housekeeper but my dog would do a better job of cleaning, so I won't be having her back. My son claims he will do it so we'll see how that goes. He is supposed to be starting a job in the next week or two at a local pizza place.

My dog went to the vet yesterday for her shots, check up etc. She passed all the tests. She has been itching a lot lately so the vet told me to give her benedryl. So she takes benedryl 3 times a day. It hasn't helped much yet. I just started it yesterday. She is also getting Omega 3 oil once a day. It helps keep their skin and coat healthy. She is much calmer with the benedryl though. Which is a good thing. :)

My husband bought me a gym membership. My doctor cleared me so I can start any time I want. I may go with my husband after work this week. I haven't worked out in a long time. (weights) I have no upper body strength. I want Michelle Obama arms. That's my goal.

I don't have her good genes so we'll see how this goes.


Jersey Girl 46 said...

I am at the Jersey shore right now and I actually went to see Bruce Willis aka Bruno at a dive bar at the shore years and years ago. Hope you have a great time at your reunion get-to-gether.

superdave524 said...

Maybe I'll rent "Garden State" in your honor.

jrtnutt said...

Thanks JG44. I was huge fan when he was on Moonlighting. But after that, he's been just Blah to me. I don't like movies much. Looking forward to my reunion thingy. :)

jrtnutt said...

Dave, I do think I have seen Garden State though, not sure. Can't remember last movie I saw in the theater. May have been one with Jodi Foster about 2 years ago. Can't sit still long enough.

superdave524 said...

Garden State is kind of a "coming of age" movie created by and starring Zach Braff (J.D. from Scrubs). It's okay, but not a life-changer. Anyway, it is named after New Jersey, so you kinda gotta see it, right?